
JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit is still collecting witness statements regarding a member of the North Jakarta Metro Police with the initials Bripda MSH (26) who fell from an angkot on Jalan Raya Slamet Riyadi, Matraman, East Jakarta, Thursday 17 February.

East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Head AKBP Edy Surasa said the victim is currently in the Police Hospital. His party is still conducting an examination of the victim's family, both from his wife and parents.

"We are still taking care of Jasaraharja first. In the next two days we will take the victim's information. We are still looking for the driver (angkot)," said AKBP Edy when contacted by VOI, Friday, February 18.

Kasat confirmed that the victim was a member of the North Jakarta Metro Police. However, he refused to mention which unit the victim served in.

"Currently, we are focusing on the victim. We will take care of the victim's insurance first," he said.

In addition, the East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit has also collected other evidence, such as CCTV camera footage around the scene.

"The identity of the first helper is known, later they will be questioned. CCTV is also available," he said.

Currently, the victim is still undergoing intensive treatment at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital. Meanwhile, the case is being handled by the East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit.

Previously, it was reported that suspected of being depressed, a member of the National Police jumped from a public transportation in the Matraman area, East Jakarta, Thursday 17 February. The victim suffered serious head injuries.

Before being found lying on the asphalt, Bripda MH first fell from his motorbike in the Kampung Melayu area, Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

After falling, the victim ran while confused. In fact, this member of the National Police tried to stop a number of vehicles, including Transjakarta buses.

"Earlier, I fell here and got up, continued to Premier Hospital. It was like people were stressed. At first, they were wearing plain clothes, after they fell, they immediately went back to the premiere wearing police clothes. Then came back again, took a motorbike," said Pras, one of the an eyewitness told reporters, Thursday 17 February.

A number of residents tried to calm them down but the members of the police often avoided it.

"At first he used a motorbike and then fell, fled (when the residents wanted to calm him down)," he said.

The victim ran again and got into the TNI bus that was passing by. A few minutes later, the police officer was successfully secured in the Jatinegara area. But instead he fled again by taking public transportation. When he arrived at Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Matraman, East Jakarta, the member of the Police jumped from the public transportation and suffered injuries to his head. The victim was evacuated by members of the East Jakarta Metro Police to the nearest hospital. .(Rizky Sulistio)

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