
MATARAM - The Regional General Hospital (RSUD) of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) has prepared 'Beautiful Artists' for COVID-19 patients who are undergoing self-isolation and have been consulted through telemedicine services.

'Beautiful Artist' is a special officer to deliver free medicine. The Managing Director (Director) of the Mataram City Hospital, Dr. Hj Ni Ketut Eka Nurhayati, said the prepared officers had been integrated with PSC 119.

So that COVID-19 patients who are self-isolating can directly access online services, be it consultations, fulfillment of medicines and vitamins needed.

"Furthermore, medicines and vitamins will be delivered directly by the drug delivery service officer for free (beautiful artists) to the patient's house," he said in Mataram, Antara, Friday, February 18.

Telemedicine services for more than 1,000 COVID-19 patients who are self-isolating, said Eka, are completely free of charge. Through telemedical services, his party can also carry out supervision as well as early treatment of the development of the patient's condition.

"Does the patient's condition still allow for self-isolation or does he have to be hospitalized immediately. Do not let it get so bad that he is brought to the hospital, and eventually he can't be treated or he dies," he said.

According to him, until now COVID-19 patients who have used telemedical services via the number 085931061540 (phone or 'wahatsApp') and emergency services can call the number 119/(0370) 620009 or 087777577119 for consultation via the web.

"We are still processing the real number, which is definitely very large, especially when there are more than 1,000 COVID-19 patients who are self-isolating," he said.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 patients who are symptomatic or who are being treated in the isolation room of the Mataram City Hospital, added Eka, currently there are 49 people, according to Ni Ketut Eka Nurhayati.

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