Perpetrator Of Stabbing Kiai At Pesanggaran Banyuwangi Arrested, Admits Possession When Stabbing Victim


BANYUWANGI - The suspect in the stabbing of a kiai in Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi, East Java was arrested. The man with the initials Dr was secured on the side of the road in the Bangorejo area.

The Head of Pesanggaran Police, AKP Subandi, said the perpetrators were students of the victims. The perpetrator from Lampung has been accommodated at the victim's house for several months. The suspect in the stabbing of a kiai in Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi, East Java was arrested. The man with the initials Dr was secured on the side of the road in the Bangorejo area.

"The perpetrator was arrested while walking in the Bangorejo area. He admitted that he wanted to go to Surabaya," said AKP Subandi, Friday, February 18.

After being arrested, the police interrogated the man. Subandi said the man argued that he was desperate to stab Kiai Affandi Mussafa because he was possessed.

"He had a stomach ache and at that time asked the victim for prayer water. After being given prayer water he argued that he was possessed. He took a knife from the house and stabbed the victim. He admitted that he did not plan the act," he said.

But even the police did not believe it. Police are still conducting further investigations to gather complete information regarding this case.

"We are still investigating," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the victim, continued Subandi, is now awake. His condition began to improve. He is currently being treated in intensive care at Al Huda Hospital and will undergo surgical suturing of the wound.

"The victim was aware when asked about the chronology of the incident, the victim could still tell clearly," he said.

The caretaker of Miftahul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School, Pesanggaran, Banyuwangi KH Affandi Musaffa suffered serious injuries to his neck and back. The stabbing occurred in the early hours of Friday, February 18th.

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