
JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has highlighted the case of a resident named Erfaldi (21) who was shot and killed when the police broke up a demonstration against PT Trio Kencana's gold mining activities. The incident occurred in Equatorial Village, South Tinombo District, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi, on Saturday, February 12, evening.

In order to explore the case, Commission III of the DPR made a specific visit (kunspek) to Parigi Moutong, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) and held a dialogue with the community, the victim's family and the local police.

"Commission III came directly to the location of the shooting and heard dialogue directly from the people who were witnesses to the shooting and also the families of the victims related to the shooting incident of Brother Aldi," said Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR Prince Khairul Saleh to reporters, Friday, February 18. In addition to residents and families of victims, Commission III has also held a meeting with the Kapolda and his staff," he continued.

The prince said that his party had not reached any conclusions even though they had seen it firsthand and had dialogue with the public. However, he said, Commission III noted an alleged violation of the SOP by police officers that resulted in the death of the demonstrators.

"There is a note that is a concern for Commission III, namely that there is an alleged violation of SOPs by members of the National Police which resulted in the death of the victim," he said.

The South Kalimantan legislator emphasized that Commission III is still waiting for the results of the forensic and ballistic tests related to its findings. His party will also ask the National Police Chief to ensure the completion of this case.

"Commission III is still waiting for the results of the forensics and ballistics test and Commission III will follow up on this case by holding a working meeting with the National Police Chief to ensure that the completion of this case is carried out in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations," he said. Central Sulawesi will announce the results of forensic and ballistic tests related to alleged violations of SOPs for members of the Police.

"In the near future, the Central Sulawesi Police will announce to the public the results of the forensic and ballistic tests and will take firm action against any member of the National Police who is proven to have violated the SOP, resulting in the death of the victim," said Prince.

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