
SAMOSIR - Samosir Police personnel and members of the press distributed free masks to the public at the Onan Pangururan Market to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Samosir Regency, North Sumatra. COVID-19 in Onan Pangururan," said Samosir Police Chief AKBP Josua Tampubolon in his statement received in Medan, Friday, February 17. Joshua appealed to the public to comply with health protocols (prokes) and for those who have not been vaccinated, immediately vaccinate in the places provided. Positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Samosir area to date have reached 58 people and 2 people have died.

"Currently we are at the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 2, so that people can continue to comply with the health procedures and immediately undergo vaccinations," he said. pick up people from the village, and from house to house to be vaccinated and carry out socialization to the community so that they are not afraid of being vaccinated because vaccination is useful for increasing body immunity. Mask distribution activities are also carried out by all ranks of Polsek. Press personnel and PJU Samosir Police as many as 5,000 masks. The Samosir Police personnel convey an appeal to the public to comply with health procedures and participate in vaccinations," said the Samosir Police Chief.

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