
TIMIKA - In just the last two months, the number of residents of Mimika Regency, Papua, who have tested positive for COVID-19 has reached 1,124 people.

Head of the Mimika Health Service, Reynold Ubra, said the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases in the region was most likely triggered by the new variant of Omicron, whose specimen samples are still awaiting clinical trials in Jakarta.

"Until now the number of Mimika residents who have been exposed to COVID-19 is 1,124 people. There are 400 employees of PT Freeport Indonesia and a subcontractor company undergoing centralized isolation in Tembagapura and Mile 38, while in Timika around 500 people are undergoing self-isolation," said Reynold reported by Antara, Thursday, February 17.

Despite experiencing a very high spike in cases, the number of patients who have to undergo treatment at the hospital due to exposure to COVID-19 has so far not been too many.

Reynold said the Omicron variant has mild symptoms so residents are expected not to panic in response to the surge in COVID-19 cases.

However, he said, the enforcement of health protocols, especially in terms of wearing masks, keeping a distance, washing hands and others must be strictly adhered to by all Mimika residents.

"For residents who have received the first or second dose of vaccine, it's actually not that bad if they are exposed to the Omicron variant. The symptoms of Omicron are similar to the common cold. The health protocol must be followed. We thank PT Freeport for being really serious about stopping this epidemic so that Now it's easier to control," he said.

Previously, the Director of the Mimika Hospital, Dr. Antonius Passulu, said that his party is currently treating 14 COVID-19 patients with moderate to severe symptoms.

Of the 14 patients who were treated in the special isolation room for COVID-19, there were those who had congenital (contributing) diseases and some had mild symptoms and were found during screening.

"Of the 14 patients undergoing treatment at the hospital, two people have severe symptoms. One has improved, the other is a 14-year-old child who has never been vaccinated," said Antonius.

So far, the Mimika Hospital does not know where the 14-year-old teenager was exposed to COVID-19 because tracking is being carried out.

"The symptoms are shortness of breath, cough, runny nose. What is clear is that if you are short of breath, we use oxygen," he said.

Mimika Hospital has sent as many as 15 swab samples of COVID-19 patients to Jayapura to find out what variant is now attacking the Mimika residents.

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