
PARIAMAN - Pariaman City Police, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), named two suspects in the alleged corruption case in the construction of the Pariaman Hospital Internal Medicine Ward which cost the state up to Rp900 million.

"The two suspects, namely the commitment maker (PPK) with the initials B and the contractor with the initials Z," said Pariaman City Police Chief AKBP Abdul Azis, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 17.

He said that the construction of the ward was carried out in 2016 with a total budget of Rp7.4 billion with the winner of the tender PT. Multi Sindo International.

However, based on calculations by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of West Sumatra, the process is suspected to have cost the state Rp900 million, he said.

The two suspects have not yet been detained because they are considered cooperative and are required to report twice a week, but if they have entered the P21 stage, they will be detained.

"Currently, the investigation process is in phase I and is waiting for instructions from the public prosecutor," he said.

He said that although currently the Pariaman Police have named two suspects, it is possible that there are still other suspects because they are still investigating the alleged corruption case.

"There may be more suspects," he said.

According to him, the handling of the case has long been carried out by the Pariaman Police, but it is hampered by waiting for the results of the West Sumatra BPKP audit.

Previously, the Pariaman City Police, West Sumatra, had asked for information from 16 witnesses related to the alleged corruption in the construction of the Pariaman Hospital Internal Medicine Ward Building, which had been installed with police lines since February 27, 2020.

"Now we are waiting for the calculation of building construction experts," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Pariaman Police, Iptu Ardiansyah Rolindo.

If the results of the construction expert's calculation come out, the case will be continued at the investigation stage.

The investigation is related to the building because there are indications of state losses and until now the building has not been used properly.

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