
SOLO - The Surakarta City Government, Central Java has activated another centralized isolation place for COVID-19 sufferers without symptoms, namely at Graha Wisata Niaga, on Jalan Slamet Riyadi Solo.

The head of the Surakarta City BPBD, Nico Agus Putranto, said that today the isolation place is ready to be used and the plan is specifically for male COVID-19 sufferers.

"If it is ready, all the men will be drawn here, in Ndalem Priyosuhartan, especially for the women," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 17.

He said Graha Wisata Niaga Surakarta added a centralized isolation location that had previously been active, namely Ndalem Priyosuhartan. The capacity of Ndalem Priyosuhartan is 41 people, while at Graha Wisata 80 people.

"On the ground floor 50 people, upstairs 30 people," he said.

Nico said that initially the Surakarta City Government had prepared a Field Hospital (Rumkitlap) belonging to the Indonesian Army at Fort Vastenburg. However, these preparations were not carried out after several snakes were found in the location.

"Rumkitlap has actually been prepared, but because of the snake rumor yesterday. On the other hand, we need a quick treatment, while we will correct the snake there first, if it is actually ready," he said.

Regarding the facilities and infrastructure, he said, all of them are ready.

"We have fixed everything, starting from electricity, water, and toilets we have fixed. We have fixed the problem, there are also additional portable toilets," he said.

In addition, beds and hand washing facilities have also been prepared.

"We have also prepared 24-hour wifi. For medical devices, the readiness is to coordinate with health workers," he said.

Officers on standby at the centralized isolation location, apart from BPBD Surakarta City officers, also TNI/Polri, Satpol PP, and health workers.

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