
BANTUL - The Bantul Police, Yogyakarta Special Region, has named a tourist bus driver as a suspect in a single traffic accident that killed 14 passengers and injured dozens of people in Bukit Bego.

Bantul Police Chief AKBP Ihsan said the suspect was determined based on the results of the case related to the traffic accident case which was carried out by the Police together with the Traffic Directorate (Ditlantas), Irwasda (Regional Supervision Inspector), and the Legal Division of the Yogyakarta Regional Police, on Wednesday, February 16.

"Based on the results of the trial this morning, which was only completed at around 11.30 WIB, all participants in the case agreed that this bus accident case was a case caused by the negligence of the driver driving the vehicle when the road was going downhill," he said as quoted by Antara.

He explained that the negligence was first obtained based on the testimony of witnesses as well as the results of the analysis of the TAA (Traffic Accident Analysis) team that was deployed, and other evidence at the TKP, that when the road was downhill the driver used third gear.

Then the second, he said, was the negligence of the driver driving the vehicle at a speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, even though there were signs around the location of the bus accident that prohibited driving vehicles above 50 km per hour.

"Even based on the results of the analysis from TAA it is possible that the speed is 80 to 100 km per hour," said the Police Chief.

The fact on the ground is that this is the first time the driver has passed the Imogiri-Dlingo road, which has ups and downs with bends, while the route usually takes the driver on a flat road.

"So this is what might make the driver panic, and this negligence arises and causes an accident that results in the death of 14 people and injuries to other passengers," he said.

In this case, the police apply Article 310 paragraphs 2 and 4 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic, which states that anyone or anyone who drives a vehicle and causes an accident to cause injury or death will be sentenced to six years in prison.

"In connection with the application of the article, here we have determined the driver, Feri Waskito, as a suspect, and because the person concerned has died or has become a victim, of course we will issue SP3 (Warrant for Termination of Investigation)," he said.

The police chief said that SP3's decision on the case of the bus hitting a cliff until the front and sides were crushed in Bukit Bego, Bantul, was in accordance with the law's order in cases where the perpetrator died, of course, it must be stopped.

"So, this accident is purely the negligence of the driver and this is in line with the results of the investigation carried out by the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC), the same as the results of our in-depth examination," he said.

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