
JAYAPURA - A total of 50 KM Labobar passengers who arrived at the Jayapura port today were quarantined because they were declared reactive after a rapid antigen examination related to COVID-19.

"The 50 passengers who were declared reactive were immediately taken to the LPMP Kotaraja, which is the central quarantine area for COVID-19 in Jayapura City," said Head of Operations for the Jayapura City Police, AKP Langgeng Widodo, in Jayapura, Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

It was said, KM Labobar, which carried 994 passengers, was not all tested for COVID-19 rapid antigen because those who were examined were passengers who did not have health documents and passengers from outside Papua.

It was recorded that 136 people were examined, 50 of whom were declared reactive, so they were immediately taken to the LPMP Kotaraja for further treatment.

"Indeed, it has become the decision of the Jayapura City COVID-19 Task Force if there are passengers whose rapid reactive antigen test results will be immediately taken to the Kotaraja LPMP," explained AKP Langgeng Widodo.

Meanwhile, the Jayapura City Health Office Head who is also the spokesman for the Jayapura City COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. Nyoman Antari admitted that LPMP currently accommodates and cares for 99 people.

Some of those who were quarantined were ship passengers who came from outside Jayapura City, namely 59 people and during the centralized quarantine they were accompanied by medical personnel including doctors, explained Dr. Nyoman Antari.

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