
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid hopes that the public prosecutor (JPU) will appeal against the rejection of Herry Wirawan's demands in the form of a death sentence, weighting of castration sanctions, and confiscation of wealth to be given to the victims.

"For the sake of justice and concrete evidence of the seriousness of eradicating violence and sexual crimes against children, the Public Prosecutor should immediately file an appeal to the high court. In this way, legal justice and seriousness in eradicating sexual crimes can be truly fought for and realized," said HNW as Hidayat Nur Wahid is known in a written statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

According to him, the life sentence handed down by the Panel of Judges at the Bandung District Court, West Java, to Herry Wirawan as the defendant in the case of raping 13 female students did not fulfill his sense of justice. HNW regretted the judge's decision.

"In the midst of rampant sexual violence and crimes against children and the seriousness of the government and the Indonesian House of Representatives in enacting the Bill on the Crime of Sexual Violence, the judge did not give the maximum sentence according to the prosecutor's demands," he said.

In fact, HNW views, when referring to Article 81 paragraphs (1-5) in conjunction with Article 76 of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection as amended through Law Number 17 of 2016, the sexual crimes committed by Herry Wirawan against 13 victims are very barbaric and deserve to be received. maximum legal sanctions, such as the death penalty with a weighting.

He conveyed that Herry's repeated crimes from 2016 to 2021 had a serious impact on the victims because 9 of them gave birth at a young age.

"The judge's decision to give a life sentence on the grounds that justice for the victims could not fulfill justice for the victims according to the provisions of the Child Protection Law which are still in effect," said HNW.

According to him, the life sentence which is not aggravated by the punishment of castration and confiscation of property as a concern for the victims is a punishment that does not fulfill public justice.

The verdict, said HNW, does not show partiality to the victim and the seriousness in eradicating sexual crimes.

"In fact, both the death penalty, castration, and confiscation of property are legal and it is very possible that the laws in force in Indonesia, namely Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection as amended last time through Law Number 17 of 2016. very deserving of the punishment that applies in the Indonesian legal state," explained HNW.

The Deputy Chair of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Syuro Council assessed that maximum demands for sexual predators against children would prove the seriousness of law enforcement officials in upholding justice and taking sides with victims.

In addition, he said, the maximum penalty is useful for dealing with crimes and sexual violence that are increasingly worrying, as well as will have a deterrent effect on perpetrators so that Indonesia is free from the dangers of sexual predators against children.

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