
JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Batu City District Attorney (Kejari) has ensnared JE, who is a defendant in a sexual assault case at the Good Morning Indonesia School (SPI) Batu City, East Java, with an alternative article. after the trial at the Malang District Court (PN) said the indictment, the defendant was threatened with a minimum sentence of three years and a maximum of 15 years in prison. years, a maximum of 15 years," said Edi. Edi explained that JE was charged with a number of articles, namely, first, Article 81 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 76 D of the Law on Child Protection, Juncto Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code (KUHP). Then, Article 81 paragraph 2 of the Law on Child Protection, Juncto Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, Article 82 paragraph 1, Juncto Article 76e of the Child Protection Law, Juncto Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and Article 294 paragraph 2 of the Second Criminal Code. , Juncto Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, Malang District Court Spokesperson Mohammad Indarto said the article charged against the defendant JE was an alternative article and not a layered or cumulative article. said Indarto. Indarto explained, in the indictment file read by the public prosecutor, who became the victim of alleged sexual violence there was one victim witness with the initials SDS. This is a fact of the trial that is currently ongoing. "The victim witness proposed is one person, as in the indictment with the initials SDS, one person," he said. In criminal cases, he continued, the interests of the victim were represented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU). . Regarding there is only one victim in the indictment that was read out in the closed session, the public prosecutor knows better about it. of the investigation," he said.

Meanwhile, the attorneys for the defendant JE, Jeffry Simatupang and Philipus Sitepu did not provide information regarding the agenda for the trial reading the indictment. The agenda for the trial is scheduled to continue on February 23, 2022. For information, on May 29, 2021, the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) reported findings of alleged extraordinary crimes to the East Java Regional Police (Polda). The violence was allegedly carried out by the owner of the SPI School with the initials JE. The school owner was accused of sexual, physical, verbal and economic exploitation of dozens of students. The report to the authorities was filed after Komnas PA received a report from one of the victims. The East Java Police have named the owner and manager of the Selamat Pagi Indonesia school in Batu City with the initials JE, as a suspect in a case of alleged sexual violence against dozens of children at the school. .

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