
BANGKA - The COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, recorded a total of 10,015 COVID-19 cases in the area spread across eight sub-districts. Spokesperson for the Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force, Boy Yandra said, as of The emergence of COVID-19 cases in Bangka for two years recorded a total of 10,015 cases. "Those tens of thousands of cases have included the findings of today's cases as many as 29 people," he said in Sungailiat, Tuesday, February 15. In Bangka Regency, there were a total of 10,015 cases, 9,508 recovered, 364 died and 143 active patients. In Sungailiat District there were 3,968 cases of COVID-19, 3,786 recovered, 116 died and 66 active patients, Riau Silip 540 cases, 499 recovered, 33 died and eight COVID-19 patients died.

Puding Besar has 315 cases, 304 recovered, nine died and two active patients, Pemali had 1,859 cases, 1,805 recovered, 34 died and 20 active COVID-19 patients. Merawang District has 954 COVID-19 cases, 917 recovered, 22 patients died and 15 active COVID-19 patients. In West Mendo there were 739 cases, 705 recovered, 24 died and there were 10 active COVID-19 patients, in Belinyu District. as many as 1,476 cases, 1,338 recovered, 118 died and 20 active patients and in Bakam District 164 cases were recorded, 154 recovered, eight COVID-19 patients died and there were two active patients. The spread of COVID-19 has experienced a spike and those who have not received the vaccine should immediately register at the nearest outlet," explained Boy Yandra. Boy Yandra stated that the Bangka Regency area together with several regencies in Bangka Belitung based on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) level 3 starts from February 15 to February 28, 2022.

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