
KALTIM - The spread of COVID-19 in East Kalimantan Province experienced an explosion of cases with an additional 1,333 people being confirmed positive. For his recovery only increased 169 people.

Spokesman for the East Kalimantan Province COVID-19 Task Force Andi Muhammad Ishak said additional positive cases occurred in all regions in East Kalimantan. Balikpapan City again contributed the highest positive cases with an additional 565 people.

Furthermore, in Samarinda 265 people, Kutai Kartanegara 133 people, East Kutai 90 people, Bontang 84 people, Berau 64 people, West Kutai 61 people, North Penajam Paser 44 people, Paser 25 people and Mahakam Ulu 1 person.

"The additional positive cases in the daily case update this time again became the highest record throughout 2022, with a total of more than a thousand cases," said Andi Muhammad Ishak in Samarinda, Antara, Tuesday, February 15.

For healing cases, Andi continued, Samarinda contributed the highest with 83 people, followed by Balikpapan 45 people, Kutai Kartanegara 16 people, East Kutai 15 people, Berau and Mahakam Ulu each with an additional 2 people, and the rest in West Kutai, Paser and Penajam Paser Utara with 1 person each.

"Currently, the number of confirmed positive COVID-19 patients undergoing treatment continues to swell and reaches 4,501 people," said Andi.

Positive patients undergoing treatment spread across Balikpapan with a total of 2,128 people, followed by East Kutai 545, Bontang 505, Samarinda 481 and Kutai Kartanegara 333.

Other patients in Berau were 163 people, North Penajam Paser 149 people, West Kutai 122 people, Paser 66 people and Mahakam Ulu 9 people.

"The only area in East Kalimantan that is still in the yellow zone is Mahakam Ulu, while nine other areas are in the red zone," Andi said.

With these conditions, Andi advised the public to be more orderly in carrying out health protocols, especially the use of masks and avoiding crowds.

"The number of cases of transmission is getting higher, and the public must be more vigilant by continuing to carry out health protocols in their daily activities," said Andi Muhammad Ishak.

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