
JAKARTA - The President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal asked President Joko Widodo to fire the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah.

This is included in one of the demands raised during the labor demonstration on Wednesday, February 15 tomorrow. The first demand of this action is to revoke the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 2 of 2022 regarding the latest rules for disbursing old age insurance (JHT).

Iqbal said the reason his party asked Ida to be dismissed was because he viewed Ida as the minister with the worst performance in the history of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Change the Minister of Manpower. The worst minister in this Republic is the Minister of Manpower. But that is the prerogative of the President. We only say that this minister cannot work well," Iqbal said in a press conference broadcast on Youtube Talk to Labor, Tuesday, February 15.

Iqbal stated that the policies issued by Ida so far have been too in favor of entrepreneurs, starting from the ratification of the Job Creation Law, PP Number 36 of 2021 concerning the minimum wage, to the new JHT rules.

"This Minister of Manpower has hurt the workers' hearts too often with his policies," said Iqbal.

President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal

Against the polemic of the new JHT regulation in Permenaker Number 2 of 2022, Iqbal also emphasized that labor representatives had never been spoken to before. In fact, trade unions such as KSPI are included in the national tripartite institutions.

"KSPI has never been spoken to by the minister of manpower. Even though at the national tripartite institution, 8 people at KSPI and KSPSI at the national tripartite institution, none of them were ever spoken to about Permenaker Number 2 of 2022," he stressed.

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