
JAKARTA - The latest survey by Saiful Muzani Research and Consulting (SMRC) shows the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, ahead of Prabowo Subianto, Anies Baswedan, and Ganjar Pranowo as the presidential candidate of choice for West Java residents.

SMRC manager Saidiman Ahmad said that the four names in the survey were in tight competition for voters' votes in West Java. In top of mind questions or spontaneous answers, Ridwan Kamil received 13 percent support, Anies Baswedan 12.2 percent, Prabowo Subianto 12 percent and Ganjar Pranowo 10.7 percent.

While the names of other figures only get support under three percent. There are 43.2 percent of West Java residents who have not made a choice.

"Even in the simulation of four candidates, Kamil still received the highest support of 22.2 percent, followed by Prabowo Subianto with 21.9 percent, Baswedan with 19.3 percent, and Pranowo with 17.8 percent. Those who don't know or don't answer 18.8 percent," said Ahmad in the findings of the SMRC survey entitled "Parties, Governors, and the President: West Java's Public View" which was released online, Antara, Tuesday, February 15.

The increase in support for Kamil is in line with the level of citizen satisfaction with his performance as governor of West Java. "

The majority of SMRC respondents, 77 percent, said they were very or quite satisfied with Kamil's performance. 19 percent are less or dissatisfied and there are 5 percent who don't answer," he said.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the West Java NasDem Party DPW, Saan Mustopa, said that Kamil was on his party's radar to be promoted as a presidential candidate for 2024, apart from Baswedan and Pranowo.

"These three names are under consideration by the NasDem Party. When will it be decided? Later in 2023," he said.

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