
JAKARTA - General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Abdul Muti stated, in the history of Islam in Indonesia, wayang is used as an effective and grounded propaganda medium so that it can be accepted by all groups.

"In the history of Islam, wayang is an effective and down-to-earth propaganda medium that is accepted by all groups," Abdul Muti said when contacted from Jakarta, Tuesday, February 15.

Muti's statement was in response to Khalid Basalamah's video lecture which alluded to wayang. Not long ago, Khalid, through his personal Instagram account, clarified his statement and apologized to those who felt offended by the contents of his lecture.

For Muti, wayang in Indonesia is artistic creativity and the inculturation of Islamic values that have helped shape the nation's noble culture. In fact, he urges that the arts that have developed and have taken root in society, especially the good ones, should be popularized as part of the nation's life.

"Nowadays, arts that are based and rooted in society need to be popularized as part of preserving the nation's noble culture," he said.

Previously, the Indonesian Pedalangan Association (Pepadi) for the Banyumas Raya Region would report Ustaz Khalid Basalamah to the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters regarding the viral lecture video on social media.

"If it is only stated that it is prohibited (in Islam), it is normal. But in the next clause there is the phrase 'it is better to destroy it', this hurts us very much," said Coordinator of Pepadi for the Greater Banyumas Region, Bambang Barata Aji.

He said Khalid Basalamah's words or statements could lead to efforts to disintegrate the nation, because wayang is a product of cultural arts found in various ethnic groups in the archipelago with various expressions, ranging from wayang purwa, wayang orang, wayang golek, wayang wali, wayang revelation, wayang. beber and so on.

"What is forbidden by brother Khalid Balamamah rejects the product of Islamization of the people of the archipelago by the aulia. This is certainly dangerous if it is interpreted that the guardians carry out things that are forbidden in the spread of Islam," said Bambang, who is also the chairman of the Dhalang Nawan Foundation.

Meanwhile, Khalid Basalamah in his clarification conveyed three points. First, he suggested making Islam a tradition, not making tradition an Islam. But if the tradition is in line with Islamic values, then there is no problem.

"And my words are not there that are forbidden. I invite you to make Islam a tradition. The meaning of these words is also if there is a tradition that is in line with Islam, there is no problem and if there is a conflict with Islam, it is better to leave it. This is a suggestion ," he said.

Second, regarding the question of how the puppeteer repents. According to him, the question is similar to how repentant a trader, a teacher, or a profession is.

"So I, as a Muslim preacher, answered. Generally, Muslims and every Muslim in general will feel happy, happy, if invited to repent. And the answer is indeed repentance nasuha, return to Allah with true repentance," he said.

While the last point is about the destruction of goods if someone has repented and does not know what to do with the goods.

"I don't think or have any intention of erasing this from the history of Indonesian ancestors or for example telling you the puppeteers to repent to Allah. Or for example everything that must be destroyed. us," he said.

He also apologized to those who felt disturbed or offended by his statement.

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