
TANGERANG – A number of tofu craftsmen in Ciledug, Tangerang City are planning a production strike. This is due to the impact of the increase in production costs which are considered to be unbalanced with raw materials.

"The plan is a production strike. If the raw material (soybean) is there, it's easy. It's just that the price is not affordable," said Endang, one of the tofu producers, when met in Ciledug, Tuesday, February 15.

Endang said, the previous soybean price was only around Rp. 7 thousand to Rp. 8 thousand. Now it is Rp. 11 thousand.

"So it's just like community service, there's no profit. Normally, it is 7 to 8 thousand rupiah, now it is 11 thousand," he said.

Endang hopes for the government to stabilize the price of soybean raw materials. So that he can continue his business for the future.

"The government wants to stabilize prices," said Endang.

Adin said the same thing. He said the income for his business is now down by 40 percent.

“Decreased, really decreased, drastically, about 40 percent. Now the capital is increasing, so if the ordinary people want it cheap, then the nuts are lowered, not to mention now the oil. This week is difficult," concluded Adin.

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