
JAKARTA - The Surakarta City Government will involve managers of small-scale inns such as inns to prepare a centralized isolation location for patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms.

Deputy Mayor of Surakarta, Teguh Prakosa in Solo, admitted that he had coordinated with the Regional Secretary of Surakarta City regarding other alternatives for this centralized isolation location.

"We asked the Secretary of State to look for other alternatives, such as an inn. We will also coordinate with PHRI regarding inns. Which inns can accommodate approximately 100 people," said Teguh, Monday, February 14, quoted from Antara.

He said that if the inn was only able to accommodate 30-40 people, its function would not be maximum.

"The supervision has also become less integrated. These are just preparations because the governor conveys this to the peak (of COVID-19 cases)," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the location of centralized isolation, the Surakarta City Government has only used Ndalem Priyosuhartan, which has a capacity of only 41 people. He said that so far there have been 30 COVID-19 sufferers occupying the centralized isolation location.

"Later Priyosuhartan will fully replace Vastenburg (a field hospital belonging to the Indonesian Army) and will start operating. The Dandim and Danrem have already checked. That's why we have to have reserves," he said.

Another reserve that has been prepared is Graha Wisata. However, he said, so far the location is still constrained by the lack of facilities and infrastructure such as toilets.

"Tomorrow morning the BPBD team, DKK, and the head of the hospital will check. Electricity and water are still there, they have not been stopped. As for the capacity of 80 people," he said.

He hopes that the COVID-19 case in the city of Surakarta in this third wave will be controlled soon.

"Hopefully there will be no more than 2,500 cases (confirmed positive for COVID-19), currently there are around 1,680 cases. Today's 200 (addition cases) have reached around 1,800-1,900. In the last five days the increase has been around 200 cases," he said.

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