
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives (DPR) approved the government's proposal to activate diplomatic relations between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of South Sudan.

This approval is a follow-up to the entry of the Presidential Letter to the DPR which was read out at the plenary session on Tuesday, February 8.

The factions in the House of Representatives Commission I agreed to establish cooperation between the two countries after listening to the presentation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi, during the Working Meeting of House of Representatives Commission I, Monday, February 14.

Member of Commission I of the PDIP Faction, Junico Siahaan, stated that his party agreed with the proposed reactivation of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and South Sudan.

"Indeed, South Sudan is already active in the United Nations and the African Union, I don't think there is any reason for us to delay our diplomatic relations with South Sudan. So the opinion of our PDIP faction agrees with this reactivation", Junico said at the meeting.

All factions namely, PDIP, Golkar Party, Democratic Party, PKS, PAN, PPP, and Nasdem Party expressed their approval of the government's proposal to open diplomatic relations with South Sudan.

In this meeting, only the PKB faction did not express its opinion because there were no member representatives present.

The chairman of House of Representatives Commission I, Meutya Viada Hafid, then tapped the hammer of approval on the reactivation of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and South Sudan.

"So we have agreed, Mrs. (Minister of Foreign Affairs) is good, we will knock", said Meutya as the chair of the meeting.

Responding to the DPR's blessing, Foreign Minister Retno expressed her appreciation and respect for the council. However, he said, South Sudan has no plans to open its embassy in Indonesia.

Because, said Retno, this country was only born in 2011. Therefore, there is still a lot of work to be done in the country.

"We say that first, they are a country that was just born in 2011 and until now there is some homework in the country that they have to do", explained Retno.

Coupled with the various situations that have occurred in South Sudan, she continued, they have not opened many embassies in other countries.

"Then with the situation because of its convenience and also because of the various situations that include South Sudan, currently they have not opened many embassies in other countries", said Foreign Minister, Retno.

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