
JAKARTA - As many as 59 residents who were involved in a demonstration against mining activities in Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi, have been returned to their family members.

"The 59 community members who were detained by the police have been returned to their families," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 14.

In this incident, the National Police Headquarters dispatched the Propam Division Team and the Public Relations Division to assist in the dispersal of the demonstration which killed a civilian.

To prove the cause of the victim's death, the National Police conducted ballistic tests on the weapons of members who were protecting the demonstration at the time the incident occurred.

"The provisional suspicion is a gunshot wound, this will be proven by the Labfor Team, will be tested for ballistics of several weapons which will later be delivered by the Central Sulawesi Police Chief, has been secured, will be tested for ballistics, who the perpetrator will definitely be identified," said Dedi.

In securing demonstrations, said Dedi, members of the National Police may not carry live ammunition, in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOPs) for handling demonstrations, as in 2018 and 2019.

According to him, the National Police formed an Anti-anarchist Team at the police or regional police level. The team can move on the orders of the regional police chief according to the stages that occur.

There are stages that are carried out, in the green zone or still in the peace zone, different if it has entered the yellow zone where the escalation has increased. Furthermore, in the red zone, there have been casualties from the community, officials, and anarchic actions, such as burning public facilities and property. If there is an increase in crime, then the anti-anarchist team will be deployed.

"There are stages to involve the anti-anarchist team, they have been determined," said Dedi.

Regarding the situation in Parigi Moutong, Dedi said that the Central Sulawesi Police Chief was more aware of the situation at the location related to the resistance and throwing of protesters. Dedi said that the Central Sulawesi Police had already negotiated. However, due to the action from 11.00 to 00.30 WITA, the Dalmas, Sabhara, and Brimob units had to disperse by force using tear gas and water cannons.

In terms of freedom of expression in public, he said, it must be in line with Law Number 9 of 1998. In this law, it is not absolute but is limitative.

"Article 6 is the obligation of all citizens to express their freedom of opinion in public," he said.

The regulation explains that all citizens are obliged to obey and pay attention to the rights of others. Every citizen is obliged to obey the norms that apply in society. In addition, every citizen is obliged to obey the applicable laws and regulations; every citizen is obliged to maintain security and public order; Every citizen is obliged to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation.

"Well, this is something that cannot be violated. So, the police must take firm action," said Dedi.

Previously, the local community on behalf of the Farmers' People's Alliance (Arti) the Gerak Tambang Coalition demanded the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government to close the gold mine owned by PT Trio Kencana which has concession areas in Kasimbar, Toribulu, and South Tinombo sub-districts.

They moved from 09.00 WITA until the early hours of the morning. Because the action was deemed to have disturbed traffic order, the local police forcefully dispersed the demonstrators until 24.00 WITA.

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