
JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) asked the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi to take firm action against his subordinates who were proven to have committed violence against residents of Wadas Village, Purworejo, Central Java on Tuesday, February 8.

This was conveyed by Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara in a meeting with the Central Java Regional Police. The meeting was held to discuss the initial findings regarding the existence of violence and the follow-up actions that should be taken.

"In a meeting that was attended by the Regional Police Chief, Deputy Chief of Police and other ranks of Central Java Regional Police, Komnas HAM presented initial findings based on monitoring at Wadas," Beka said in a written statement, Monday, February 14.

"In addition to presenting its initial findings, the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission has also asked the Central Java Police Chief and his staff to first impose sanctions on officers who are proven to have committed violence," he added.

Second, Komnas HAM asked the police not to easily declare reports made by certain accounts on social media as hoaxes or fake news. Moreover, the reportage was taken directly in the field.

Finally, Beka said that his party urged the Central Java Police to return the goods and equipment of the residents of Wadas Village which were still confiscated.

Regarding this request, the Central Java Police Chief then ordered the return of the confiscated items today or Monday, February 14. Not only that, the Head of Propam was also ordered to examine personnel who were proven to have committed violence.

"The Central Java Police Chief immediately ordered his staff to return the residents' belongings today and ordered the Propam Headquarters to carry out inspections and enforce sanctions on personnel proven to have committed violence against residents," said Beka.

Furthermore, Beka said, Komnas HAM will carry out intensive coordination with the Central Java Police so that similar incidents do not happen again.

"The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission and the Central Java Police have agreed to coordinate more intensively to prevent the same incident from happening again and create a conducive atmosphere in Wadas Village," he said.

"We will continue to monitor the entire process of solving problems in Wadas," concluded Beka.

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