
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, who was stating that there was a governor who did not welcome her when she came to the region, had various meanings. According to Member of Commission I DPR RI, Dede Indra Permana Soediro, Puan's statement is more about meeting expectations and coordination between cadres.

"It's not just a matter of welcoming, but also a matter of discussion or exchange of information. Consolidation must continue," said Dede in his statement quoted on Sunday, February 13.

Dede added that the PDI-P used to refer to cadres who sat in the executive, legislative, and party structures as the Three Pillars of the Party. The three Party Pillars should consolidate to make good policies for the community.

"Once again, it's not about welcoming but about meeting. During the meeting, mutual discussion and coordination can occur," said the Deputy Treasurer of the Central Java PDI-P DPD.

Dede said that Puan Maharani's statement was aimed more at internal parties. According to him, as the chairman of the DPR RI who is supported by the PDI-P, of course, there is a sense of belonging and pride felt by the cadres of the PDI-P extended family.

Especially for regional heads who are promoted by the PDI-P.

As is known, PDI-P DPP Chair Puan Maharani expressed her frustration in front of PDI-P cadres because there was a governor who did not want to welcome her when she came to the area.

While giving directions at a coordination meeting of the three pillars of the PDI-P in Manado, Wednesday, February 9, she admitted that she was surprised why a governor did not welcome her even though she was the chairman of the DPR who should be greeted with pride by fellow PDI-P cadres.

"As soon as I came, they didn't want to welcome me. I was confused. I didn't seem enthusiastic. Even though it should be a matter of pride, there is pride, I'm also proud to come everywhere as Speaker of the DPR," said Puan.

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