
JAKARTA - The chairman of the PAN faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Bambang Kusumanto, stated that the accusation of 'bondage practice' in the Formula E commitment fee payment process is not true. According to him, the issue was exaggerated and unfounded. Bambang explained that if you look at the process since the 2019 KUAPPAS was ratified, the preparation of the 2019 APBD Amendment RKA, the follow-up meeting at the Commission and Banggar, and the ratification of the 2019 Amendment RAPBD on 22 August 2019, payment of commitment fees it is legally legal.

In fact, he said, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) did not question this. Moreover, make it as a finding. "Not at all. So, the 'bondage' narrative, becomes very ridiculous, and is refuted," said Bambang to reporters, Sunday, February 13.

In principle, Bambang continued, bailing out the payment of government obligations with temporary bank loans is a normal and permissible mechanism in regional financial management.

"It's a normal thing to happen," he said. Bambang gave an example, for example when eight hospitals in DKI almost stopped operating due to a lack of liquidity during the COVID-19 period, because bills to BPJS had not been paid. Or when the payment of electricity bills for schools must be paid, while the disbursement of APBD money cannot be carried out at the beginning of each fiscal year. Therefore, he assesses, the public must know the facts regarding the implementation of formula E so as not to lead to skewed issues.

"I think the public should be told the truth. Don't let the public become victims of political gimmicks. How can our people want to be smart, if their people's representatives only tell false information," said Bambang. Marsudi alleged that there was a bondage practice in Formula E budget management in Jakarta. He revealed this after being investigated by the KPK in the alleged corruption in the administration of Formula E by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Prasetio alluded to the Rp180 billion budget from Bank DKI which was handed over to Formula E as a commitment fee. In fact, the budget has not been included in the DKI Regional Budget. After the transaction is carried out, the DKI Provincial Government will allocate the money in the APBD.

Prasetio considers this process as a mode of bonding practice. "So there is a budget that before it became a regional regulation on APBD that was already bonded to Bank DKI, worth Rp. 180 billion," said Pras at the KPK building yard, Tuesday, February 8.

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