
JAKARTA - President Director of PT Asabri for the period 2008-2016, Major General TNI (Ret.) Adam Damiri will file an appeal against the 20-year prison sentence by the panel of judges at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court. This is because the decision was deemed an error.

Through representatives of Linda Susanti's family, Adam disclosed the facts that made him certain that he would receive justice in the next legal effort, namely an appeal.

"When Adam Damiri served as President Director of PT Asabri in 2009-2016, every year the company was audited by the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) as an extension of the BPK. The result was Unqualified (WTP). Linda said in an official statement, Sunday, February 13.

Then, continued Linda, the Asabri corruption incident occurred in 2017. At that time, Adam Damiri was no longer the President Director of PT Asabri.

In fact, when Adam served as president director, he had delegated his authority to the Director of Investment and Finance to manage the finances of PT ASABRI. This is in accordance with the letter, Decree of the Board of Directors of 2011 Number Kep/161-AS/XI/2011 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of PT ASABRI.

Linda continued, the facts at trial revealed that the Public Prosecutor (JPU) could not prove that Adam Damiri's wife's personal money of Rp. 17.9 billion which Adam used to run his business was part of a corruption crime at PT Asabri. But based on the court's decision, the money was asked to be returned to the state as a replacement money.

"The money (Rp 17.9 billion) already existed before Adam served at PT Asabri," continued Linda.

The belief that Adam was innocent was strengthened after the statements of factual witnesses and expert witnesses in court stated that the case was not an incident of a criminal act of corruption. Adam was not at all involved in the problems that befell PT Asabri. Even so, continued Linda, Adam did not have the slightest bad feeling about the verdict of the panel of judges who found him guilty with a sentence of 20 years in prison with a fine of Rp. 800 million and paying compensation of Rp. 17.9 billion. In fact, the verdict was 10 years heavier than the prosecutor's demands.

“Adam feels that the decision was purely the judge's error when he saw the legal facts that were actually revealed at the trial. The verdict was an oversight because the sentence was very severe for Adam," he said.

The decision, he continued, did not take into account Adam's age, who is 72 years old and his health condition. Now Adam is still battling colon cancer, osteopenia and decreased kidney function. The decision also does not take into account the services of Adam, who has served the country as a TNI soldier for 35 years.

Even though it was so hard, Adam remained enthusiastic and advised his extended family to remain patient and pray to Allah SWT for the best. "Adam is sure that justice awaits him in the next legal process," he said.

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