
JAKARTA - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police (NTB) again appealed to the public not to fly drones at the Mandalika Circuit, both during the Pre-season Test and the MotoGP racing event which will take place on March 18-20 2022.

"We hope that after this warning is conveyed, there will be no more drones flying in the circuit area", said Head of the Operational Bureau of the NTB Police, Police Chief Commissioner Imam Thobroni, quoted in a written statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, February 13.

Imam conveyed this because, until the second day of the 2022 MotoGP Preseason Test, there were still drones roaming the air around the Mandalika Circuit area.

Until the second day of the MotoGP Pramusin Test, 21 drones have been deployed. Imam means that the residents are still not aware of the applicable legal rules.

"Currently we are still kind enough to give warnings and takedown flying drones. But if they continue to be stubborn, we are forced to take firm action by applicable law", he said.

Legally, said Imam, drones flying in certain areas where there are restrictions or prohibited areas, restricted areas, airport areas, are regulated in Law No. 1/2009 concerning Aviation, Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 37/2020 and Government Regulations Number 4/2018.

"According to the rules, the perpetrators, in this case, who fly drones in prohibited areas, can be subject to a 5-year prison sentence and a fine of IDR 5 billion", he said.

Furthermore, Imam said that his party was committed to continuing to secure the 2022 MotoGP event at the Mandalika Circuit. One of them is by monitoring the activity of illegal drones flying in the circuit area.

To anticipate this, the NTB Police together with a team from the Police Mobile Brigade Corps conducted monitoring through the hilly areas around the circuit. They carry out their duties armed with drones (anti-drone jammers).

"So we will continue to monitor drones flying in the Mandalika Circuit area to provide a sense of security for drivers and organizers", he said

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