
JAKARTA - Family planning acceptors now don't need to hesitate to use the implant contraceptive method, especially for post-partum mothers. BKKBN has innovated by procuring 1 (one) rod implant contraceptives (Etonogestrel). Implant is a long-term contraceptive method (MKJP) which is hornonal. This method is more recommended as one of the post-partum and post-miscarriage MKJP because it is more comfortable and minimally invasive without using a scalpel.

“The one stick will be simpler, not using a knife, just simply insert it with a sharp enough inserter, of course, you need to be anesthetized first. Of course these are attempts to be minimally invasive. As technology gets more sophisticated, it becomes less and less invasive. BKKBN certainly cooperates with providers, in this case midwives, and we will certainly provide the best service. Both to our external customers, namely acceptors, and our internal customers in this case are friends of midwives in the field,” explained the Head of BKKBN Dr.(HC) dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K) as a resource person in a Webinar on the Benefits of Postpartum Implants as Long-Term Contraception, Friday (11/02).

Deputy for Family Planning and Reproductive Health (KBKR) BKKBN dr. Eni Gustina, MPH revealed that the effectiveness of this 1 stick implant contraceptive method is 99.5%. In addition, the advantages of 1 stick implants are that they are more economical and practical, return fertility rates quickly after extraction, do not require examination of the reproductive organs (vaginal), do not interfere with the production and quality of breast milk, reduce menstrual pain and hair loss, do not interfere with sexual intercourse, reduce risk of some pelvic inflammatory diseases.

BKKBN Webinar on Contraceptive Implants Without Scalpel. (Photo: Doc. BKKBN)

“Innovation in family planning services always happens and is carried out and is carried out to find a 1-rod implant that makes the acceptor comfortable and no less important is also comfortable for the provider. There is a big difference between installation and removal. No need to use a knife. This is one of our strategies to increase its main acceptors in the postpartum period. Post-delivery family planning is very effective in regulating the number of children, the distance between children, this is a very important strategy because it is still in our clinic,” said the General Chair of PP IBU, Dr. Emi Nurjasmi, M.Kes on the same occasion.

Doctor Emi also hopes that the midwives will not only provide communication, information, and education (IEC) as well as counseling to pregnant women before giving birth regarding nutrition, danger signs in pregnancy and exclusive breastfeeding, but also regarding the selection of post-delivery contraceptives.

Then Doctor Hasto also mentioned that implants that cannot be claimed using BPJS can then be carried out through mobilization activities and Social Services through the BKKBN, which in this case is the Family Planning Office in the respective district/city where the midwife is located.

“And we urge that there are no limits, all family planning clinics or independent practice midwives are allowed to make all services of course through the MoU mechanism with the Family Planning Office in each region. But in principle anything is possible. Even for our trainings, we do not limit it, meaning that the limit only depends on the budget. But we also train both private and government practice midwives. That is our spirit to provide services through providers, especially midwives,” concluded Doctor Hasto.

The webinar with the theme "The Benefits of Postpartum Implants as Long-Term Contraception" was held through Zoom Meetings and live streaming on Youtube KlikKB on Friday, February 11, 2022. Besides the Head of the BKKBN, the Chairperson of PP IBU Dr. Emi Nurjasmi, M.Kes; Deputy for Family Planning and Reproductive Health (KBKR) BKKBN dr. Eni Gustina, MPH; and Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist dr. Nuvita Nindita, Sp.OG. The participants of the webinar are midwives throughout Indonesia.

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