
JAKARTA - Chairman of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya is confident that Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo can resolve the conflict in Wadas Village, Purworejo. The reason is that Purworejo Regency has an emotional bond with Ganjar.

"I personally am very confident that this can be resolved, because this is the problem with Pak Ganjar's neighbor who is a Purworejo person," said Gus Yahya in his statement, Saturday, February 12.

Gus Yahya asked all parties not to politicize the polemic of the Bener Dam construction in Wadas Village. This was stated by Gus Yahya, during his speech at the Regional Working Conference (Muskerwil) of the Central Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Regional Manager and the 99th Harlah NU, virtually in the Great Mosque Hall of Central Java.

"There is no need to rush to politicize this kind of problem as a problem between the government and the people, the government is oppressing the people, and so on. We must not overdo it in this matter," said Gus Yahya.

Gus Yahya invited all parties together to find a solution to the Wadas Village problem.

Gus Yahya even stated that NU was ready to bridge better communication between the government and the community in Wadas Village.

"Nahdlatul Ulama, God willing, will be ready to continue to be present to accompany the people and help the government launch communication between the government and the people themselves," said Gus Yahya.

Ganjar Pranowo, who was present at the forum, assessed the support from Gus Yahya and PBNU as additional energy for the Central Java Provincial Government to be able to communicate better with the Wadas community.

"So that later, the pros and cons, both can respect each other, and we are looking for the best solution," said Ganjar.

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