
SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa advised the elderly (elderly) and comorbid patients to reduce mobility and accelerate COVID-19 vaccination. mild, but on average those treated with moderate and severe symptoms are the elderly and comorbid," said Khofifah in Surabaya quoted by Antara, Friday, February 11. East Java reached 13,234 with the addition of 4,506 people. Governor Khofifah said the main comorbidities that usually occur in these patients are diabetes, hypertension and heart failure. "Indeed there are other comorbidities such as asthma, kidney disease, tuberculosis, obesity, or stroke. But these diseases are much smaller in number," said the number one person in the East Java Provincial Government t vaccination, Khofifah emphasized that it is not something to be afraid of for people with certain diseases.

Khofifah also advised those who are still worried to consult the nearest doctor. "I would like to request that the elderly and people with comorbidities who can be vaccinated, be vaccinated as soon as possible. or not," he said.

For information, vaccination targets in East Java amounted to 31,826,206 people. Currently, the first dose of vaccination has reached 88.79 percent (28,257,033 people), the second dose of 67.01 percent (21.326,164 people), while the third dose has only reached 3.44 percent (1,094,871). Governor Khofifah also said that strengthening PPKM Mikro is also part of anticipating a spike in cases. "This policy has been proven to minimize the spread of cases. So now, we will strengthen it again by involving as many volunteers as possible in all regions in East Java," said the former social minister. This joint effort will soon show good results," said Khofifah.

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