
SEMARANG - The news that Wadas residents were detained and investigated by the police was firmly denied by the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi. It was emphasized that all Wadas residents had returned to their respective homes.

The news that Wadas residents have returned, was confirmed by the Head of Wadas Village, Fahri Setyanto. Fahri revealed that 64 Wadas residents had returned to their homes, and were escorted by two medium-sized buses.

"Alhamdulillah, we have gathered with his family again. He was escorted back to Wadas in a healthy and safe condition," explained Fahri.

Meanwhile, the Central Java Police Chief through the Head of Humas Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy explained that no Wadas residents are currently undergoing detention or investigation by the Police.

Iqbal stated that the issue of Wadas residents being detained or being investigated by the police was not true.

"There are no Wadas residents who have been detained or are undergoing investigation. Please check with the local police," said Iqbal, in a release received on Friday, February 11.

Iqbal Back explained that currently 250 personnel who were deployed to accompany the land measurement team from BPN had returned to their respective units.

"Police activities that are currently being carried out are routine activities in the context of harkamtibmas. All of them are carried out by Purworejo Police personnel," said Iqbal.

The current effort made by the police, said Iqbal, is to condition the situation and bring the residents closer together who were at odds because of the pros or cons of andesite mining in their village.

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