
TANGERANG - Around 100 state civil servants (ASN) in the Tangerang Regency Government, Banten Province have been confirmed positive for COVID-19, counted since early January 2022.

"Yes, some employees or ASN at the regional apparatus organization (OPD) office, approximately 100 people are positive for COVID-19," said Tangerang Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson, Hendra Tarmizi in Tangerang, quoted from Antara, Friday, February 11.

He said 100 ASN people who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 came from various agencies, and generally served in the service department such as the Transportation Service, Manpower Service, Health Service and so on.

"On average, those affected are employees, but there are also OPD Heads. And those affected are evenly distributed in a number of agencies. Employees at the service agency were found to be positive between 8 and 20 people," he said.

According to him, employees or ASN were exposed to COVID-19 from local transmission. Because when they searched, there was no history of having traveled from outside the area.

"Those who have tested positive have now been isolated either centrally or independently," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Tangerang Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), Hendar Hermawan added, along with the discovery of COVID-19 cases in office clusters.

So his party re-arranged the work from office (WFO) and Work From Home (WFH) implementation scheme for state civil servants (ASN) in the local environment.

The policy is contained in Circular (SE) numbered 800/428-BKPSDM concerning Adjustment of the ASN Work System during the Implementation of Level 3, Level 2, and Level 1 Corona Virus Disease 2019 Restrictions in the Java and Bali Regions.

"This is also a follow-up to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2022 concerning the Third Amendment to the Circular Letter of the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform in the COVID-19 Pandemic," he said.

He revealed, with this policy, the work system within the Tangerang Regency Government for OPD such as the Health Service, General Hospital, Satpol PP, Transportation Service and BPBD still carried out official duties, 50 percent worked in the office and 50 percent worked from home.

"I hope that ASN with WFO status will continue to adhere to health protocols by maintaining distance, wearing masks and paying more attention to hand hygiene," he said.

He said the implementation of the WFO and WFH systems would apply as long as the PPKM level 3 conditions and the situation of case development in the area were safe and under control.

"Technically this is regulated by each OPD Head in each work unit. The circular is also valid until February 28, 2022," he said.

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