
JAKARTA - A man named Vicky Firlana (32) was found dead with a stab wound to the stomach. Vicky's body lay in TPU Chober, Ulujami, South Jakarta.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto confirmed the incident. Budhi said, the discovery of the body occurred on Thursday, February 10, morning.

"A man was found lying in a cemetery in the Pesanggrahan area. Already in a lifeless state. And we saw that there were 2 stab wounds caused by sharp objects," Budhi told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, February 10.

Budhi has not been able to explain the cause of the stabbing. Therefore, his party has formed a team to investigate the case.

"We then formed a team to carry out an investigation and we carried out an investigation and took other actions to try to uncover what really happened," he explained.

On that occasion, Budhi said that the belongings of the victims were also missing. This is also the subject of their investigation.

"yes (lost). Of course, we will summarize all of this and we will include it as material in the investigation process. We will follow up on all the information we receive and we will explore it," he said.

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