
KUPANG - NTT Regional Police Chief Inspector General Setyo Budiyanto said the NTT Public Prosecutor (JPU) returned the case files for the defendant Randy Bajideh in the mother and child murder case to the NTT Police investigators.

"Currently, we are still in the process of going to the high-level prosecutor's office. Maybe outside of the formal coordination, we usually do it to complete it. I'm sure the prosecutor's office will make a decision soon, whatever the decision is the authority of the file investigator," he said here. Kupang, Antara, Thursday, February 10.

Previously on January 7, 2022, the NTT Prosecutor's Office returned the case files for the defendant Randy Bajideh, the perpetrators of the murder of Astrid Manafe and her son LM (1) to the NTT Police investigators.

After adding some incomplete evidence, the team of investigators for the mother and child murder case on January 26, 2022 again sent the complete case file to the NTT Prosecutor's Office.

However, on Wednesday, February 9, the NTT Prosecutor's Office stated that it was incomplete, so the case file for Randy's perpetrator was returned to the NTT Police. He hopes that the case of the murder of the mother and child can be completed soon, aka P21.

The police are still gathering evidence because after the case was revealed in November 2021, the identities of the two bodies which had been damaged in plastic, had not yet been brought to court. The two bodies were found at the SPAM project site in Kupang.

"We hope, as in P19 yesterday, of course there are indications that there will be discussions and so on. We accept input as long as we haven't done it yet, we will do it and fulfill it, until maybe later the process is returned and declared complete (P21) by the Prosecutor, who is investigating the case file," explained the general. the two stars.

To the public, the NTT Police Chief asked to be patient, investigators will immediately complete the case files so that later P21 will be declared and will immediately be tried in court.

"The trial process will test the investigation process that has been carried out and will be open to everyone," he added.

There are groups who feel that the investigation process is incomplete and the handling is still partial and others, the NTT Police Chief asked to be patient until later it can be proven in court later.

“My hope is that when it is handed over to the court, the examination process at the trial will be all open. Please the public see it, later everything will be revealed in court. Everything that has been done so far will be revealed in court," he said.

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