
BANDUNG - The Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, and Family Planning (DP3AKB) of West Java Province (Jabar) recorded that there were 505 complaints of cases of violence that entered a number of UPTDs for the Protection of Women and Children throughout 2021. understanding and supervision is the reason," said Mother of the West Java Regional Children's Forum (FAD) Atalia Praratya Ridwan Kamil in her press statement, Thursday. Atalia said all complaints had been handled in coordination with districts/cities according to case reporting. violence is psychological, namely 44 percent. Then followed by physical violence, domestic violence, then sexual violence. Atalia said the West Java Provincial Government continues to try to suppress acts of violence against children, women, and other vulnerable communities. One of them is by initiating the West Java Cangker movement or West Java Dare to Prevent Violence. He explained , West Java Cangker is one of the efforts to provide understanding to the community so that they do not remain silent when experiencing violence for themselves or others around them. "So, this is a joint momentum to dare to report, refuse, say no and they must also be able to protect others in surrounding areas," said Atalia after speaking at JAPRI or West Java Got Information Volume 87 with the theme of West Java Cangker at Gedung Sate. complaints via 129 or accessing DP3AKB at number 085222206777. Not only in the family sphere, if violence occurs in religious education institutions, residents can contact the West Java Regional Office of Religion at the telephone number 08125555644. "After our efforts to understand the community, we also encourage the public not to hesitate and dare to speak by accessing our hotline," he said. Atalia hopes that, through the West Java Cangker movement, cases of violence against children and women in West Java can continue to be suppressed. "We hope to be closer in terms of providing protection to women and children so that cases can decrease," he said.

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