
JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has highlighted an incident that occurred between security forces and residents of Wadas, Purworejo, Central Java (Central Java) that led to their arrest. It is known, a number of joint forces consisting of the TNI and Polri were deployed to Wadas Village to oversee the measurement of land for the construction of the Bener Dam.

Although the police have released 66 residents of Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency, the actions of the police are still being highlighted by all circles. Mainly, board members. Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR, Luqman Hakim emphasized that the police must stop all forms of violence against residents by withdrawing all officers from the village which is said to be the location of the Andesite mine. NU, Muhammadiyah, DPP PKB and other community groups, in order to stop the repression of the police against the residents.

"When people have become victims, whatever the arguments used, common sense and conscience cannot accept them. The violence of the police only complements the suffering and misery of the residents," Luqman told reporters, Wednesday, February 9, evening.

The Deputy Secretary General of the PKB DPP assesses that so far the Wadas residents have only been victims of the agitation of provocateurs and the incitement of the case broker (Markus) who rides on the issue of land acquisition belonging to residents.

Luqman also asked the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to deploy troops to identify those who had been making the situation worse in Wadas Village. This is in order to restore a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in Wadas Village and its surroundings. This is because he indicated that there was incitement from parties who were not responsible for the residents in Wadas Village. Where the goal is to seek financial benefits from the transaction of land acquisition belonging to the people of the prospective mining site in Wadas Village. "These are the provocateurs and Markus, who should be arrested by the police, not innocent ordinary villagers," said Luqman. Andesite area of 124 hectares in Wadas, Luqman proposed the government to conduct a comprehensive ecological study and environmental impact analysis. The study, he said, should be the basis for whether the mining plan is worth continuing or discontinuing. If the results of the study lead to a bigger harm, according to him, the government should be heartened to cancel the andesite mining plan in Wadas Village. The environmental impact analysis deserves to be continued, I ask that there are no forced efforts to seize the people's land by any party," concluded Luqman.

Stop Land Measurement

Commission III of the DPR RI also expressed concern over the events that occurred between the joint apparatus and residents of Wadas, Purworejo, Central Java (Central Java).

"How can there still be resistance from residents, resulting in clashes between police officers and residents of Wadas Village? This is clearly a bad fact that is a concern for all of us," Deputy Chair of Commission III, Prince Khairul Saleh, told reporters, Wednesday, February 9. The PAN politician then questioned the role of the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) regarding the construction process of the Bener Dam which was included as a national strategic project (PSN). Because he said, since four years ago the project was launched, there are still residents who have refused to do so. It is true that it is a national strategic project, so the question is, what about the role of Forkopimda in the district and in the province so far?" said the Prince.

The South Kalimantan legislator admitted that he was concerned about the occurrence of violence against residents which should have been avoided. The prince hopes that the police will prioritize a dialogue approach with the residents, not in an arbitrary way. arbitrarily," said Prince. The prince also encouraged policymakers related to the Bener Dam Project PSN in Wadas Village to stop measuring the land first before reaching a mutual agreement. "To avoid conflict and the tragic consequences it will cause, I think stakeholders should stop measuring first land before reaching a mutual agreement," he said

Princeg also encouraged the police to release the citizens who were arrested in the incident. "The police also release all the arrested residents to maintain conduciveness for mutual good intentions to secure strategic development while securing the rights of the residents and nature in it," Prince said.

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