
MATARAM - The logistics ship for the 2022 MotoGP Mandalika was taken hostage by a group of armed pirates at Gili Mas Harbor, West Lombok Regency, Wednesday, February 8. Several crew members who were about to be hacked by a herd of pirates tried to save themselves by plunging into the sea.

The rest of the crew were then taken hostage and ordered to lie down by the pirates. This news spread very quickly and joint officers from the Police, TNI and Basarnas were also deployed to save the logistics ship.

Silently by sea, officers complete with long-barreled firearms then approached, bursting into the location of the pirates. Meanwhile, from a distance, the points of the pirates' presence were reported by officers on board the helicopter.

The crew of the ship who plunged into the sea were immediately rescued by officers by throwing a buoy. This tense and heroic atmosphere was a simulation of the joint forces until finally the hostages were released and the logistics ship was again controlled by the authorities.

The NTB Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Djoko Poerwanto, expressed his appreciation for the simulation of the joint forces in freeing the hostages.

"We give extraordinary applause to Polairud Polda NTB who have carried out this simulation well, and I thank all the personnel involved, both in this simulation and who will later carry out MotoGP security," said Djoko in a written statement received in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, February 9th.

He said that securing the Mandalika 2022 MotoGP has now become the special attention of all parties. Therefore, the success of this world-class motorcycle racing event is a shared hope.

"So if this (security) is carried out together, I am sure that the MotoGP event at the Mandalika Circuit will be successful," he said.

The Director of Polairud Polda NTB Kombes Kobul Syahrin Ritonga also said that this simulation was part of a joint effort in securing the Pre-season Test and MotoGP Mandalika 2022 racing.

He said that the hostage-taking of a logistics transport ship by a group of pirates was categorized as a red situation, namely high-level security.

Therefore, he emphasized, every time there is a MotoGP logistics shift activity, his party together with other security authorities carry out strict escorts.

"So far, we have escorted 11 logistics ships and Alhamdulillah, all of them arrived safely without any problems," he said.

Even in terms of securing MotoGP in the sea and air territory, Kobul ensures that his party together with all security authorities carry out regular patrols.

"Our commitment is from Polairud Polda NTB, we will continue to patrol for 24 hours to ensure MotoGP runs smoothly, both at the entry point for spectators and around the waters of the Mandalika Circuit," he said again.

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