
ACEH - The Navy ship (KAL) Bireuen I-1-70 TNI AL Lhokseumawe has captured two trawlers in the waters of Peureulak, East Aceh Regency.

The Commander of KAL Bireuen I-1-70 Sea Captain (F) Bambang Priambodo said the arrest of the two trawlers began when KAL Bireuen I-1-70 carried out routine patrols on Tuesday, February 8.

"We detected radar contact with two fishing vessels around the coast of Peureulak waters. The personnel suspected the two vessels were illegally catching fish using trawlers," said Bambang Priambodo in a written statement received in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, February 9.

The two trawlers are KM Ocean King I. The ship was arrested at a position 2.5 nautical miles from the coast of Peureulak, East Aceh. KM Ocean King I in a letter of eligibility with a tonnage of 6 GT, but physically, with a weight of more than 15 GT.

M Ocean King I was commanded by Muhammad Nur with three crew members. The ship was carrying fishing nets and found a mixed fish load of approximately 600 kilograms.

And KM Mubarokah, arrested at a position 6 nautical miles from the coast, was arrested in the waters of East Aceh. KM Mubarokah in a letter of eligibility tonnage 7, GT but physically looks more than 15 GT.

KM Mubarokah was commanded by Musliadi with four crew members, carrying trawls or nets and loading approximately 500 kilograms of mixed fish.

Marine Captain (F) Bambang Priambodo said that based on these suspicions, personnel approached the two fishing vessels. When approached, the two boats were pulling trawls.

"At the time of catching, the two trawlers were still turning the machine to pull the trawl nets. You could see coral reefs being lifted up which caused damage to the fish ecosystem," said Marine Captain (P) Bambang Priambodo.

Based on the initial examination, the two vessels were suspected of catching fish using a trawl, which is prohibited by Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries. The ship is also not equipped with valid documents.

"Now, the two ships and their crew are secured at the Port of Krueng Geukueh, North Aceh, for a further inspection process at the Lhokseumawe Navy Base," Marine Captain (P) Bambang Priambodo.

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