
AMBON - The Yos Sudarso Ambon Police Sector Office has again confiscated hundreds of liters of local liquor, a type of sopi. This liquor was transported by passengers of KM Sabuk Nusantara 87.

"This confiscation was carried out by the police through enhanced routine activities in raiding the luggage of passengers on the Sabuk Nusantara 87 Motor Ship," said Head of Public Relations of the Ambon Island Police, PP Lease, Iptu I. Leatemia in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, February 8.

The target of this activity is liquor that does not have an official permit, mining materials, or other illegal goods. The goal, continued Leatemia, is to maintain a conducive public security situation. According to him, the basis for raid activities is an assignment order number: Sprin/02/II/2022/KPYS Police from February 1, 2022 to February 28, 2022.

"On Tuesday, 2022, at around 17.10 WIT, at the Port of DR. Siwabessy, Nusaniwe District, Ambon City, the pioneer ship KM. Sabuk Nusantara 87 from Babar, Moa, Letti ports (Southwest Maluku)," he said.

When the ship was moored, it immediately carried out the debarkation of passengers and goods and at the same time, members led by the KPYS Police Chief Iptu Burhanudin Surya carried out security and carried out baggage raids.

In addition to raiding passengers' luggage at the dock, members of the Polsek also carried out inspections on the ship, specifically on the passenger bed deck and warehouse for storing goods.

"The police finally confiscated 155 liters of sopi which were packaged in 192 600 ml bottles and eight 5 liter jerry cans," said Leatemia.

However, from the findings, no passenger claimed to be the owner of the goods. Furthermore, the evidence (barbuk) was immediately taken to the KPYS Police.

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