
BANGKA - The Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) assessed that the people in the Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province have implemented the values of Pancasila, so that tolerance is realized in the community. Pancasila values in everyday life," said Fuad Himawan, Director of Advocacy Deputy for Legal Affairs, Advocacy and Regulatory Oversight at BPIP, in Sungailiat, Wednesday, February 9. He hopes that the phenomenon of radicalism by a group or individual does not occur in the Bangka Regency area, and even if there is a threat that leads to a prohibited movement, it should be done in a persuasive way. sing the anthem Indonesia Raya as never happened in Batam and other areas," he added. He stated, BPIP has the authority to supervise regulations including advocacy and fostering the ideology of Pancasila. "I suggest that the Bangka Regency Government can propose several people to get the Pancasila icon award from various fields with the criteria for applying Pancasila values every day," he said again.

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