
JAKARTA - The National Police explained the beginning of the chaos in measuring the land for the Bener Dam construction project in Wadas Village. In the process, it led to clashes between the police and residents.

Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, said the construction process of the Bener Dam began in 2018. However, until now the construction has not been completed.

Because, behind the construction process, there are residents from Wadas Village who reject the construction of the dam. They also took legal action.

They filed a lawsuit with the State Administrative Court (PTUN) on July 23, 2021. The defendant is the Central Java Provincial Government (Pemprov).

"This (the lawsuit, ed) is related to the renewal of the location for land acquisition for the construction of the Bener Dam in Purworejo Regency, Central Java. So in Purworejo Regency and Wonosobo Regency, Central Java," Ramadhan told reporters, Wednesday, February 9.

In the trial process, the Semarang Administrative Court panel of judges decided not to grant the lawsuit filed by the residents of Wadas Village. The decision was stated in decision number 68/G/PU.2021/PTUN/SMG dated August 30, 2021.

Based on the decision, the relevant parties gathered all the residents who were pro and contra regarding the construction of the Bener Dam at the Central Java BPN office on December 6, 2021. The goal was to mediate with them.

Then, two days later the Central Java Police Chief, the Governor, and the Regional Military Commander formed a team to solve the problem of the Wadas Dam construction.

The involvement of the National Police and the TNI is based on a letter of request for assistance in the Letter of the Ministry of PUPR Number UM 0401.AG.3.4./45 dated February 3, 2022 concerning Requests for Safeguarding the Implementation of Measurements in Wadas Village, Purworejo Regency, Central Java.

In addition, there is also a letter from the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Purworejo Regency, Central Java Province Number AT.02.02/344-33.06/II/2022 dated February 4, 2022 regarding the Application for Security Personnel for the Implementation of Inventory and Identification in Wadas Village, Purworejo Regency.

"Then on February 8, 2022, security activities for measuring the mine site were carried out. Security activities began on February 6, 2022 by holding a preparatory meeting led by the Kapolda together with the Provincial Government, BPN, and BBWSO," said Ramadhan.

After carrying out the security stages, the team that was formed negotiated with the people who were against the construction of the Bener Dam.

"The security task force provides assistance to the measurement object that has been determined with the measuring team until it is completed," he said.

However, it is undeniable that during the measurement process there were protests from residents. They provoked and resisted the officers.

"Against groups that counter and provoke residents whose land parcels are measured. The Gakkum Task Force provides security," said Ramadhan

There are 64 people who were arrested. Of the dozens of people, one person was found to be confirmed to have COVID-19. So directed to undergo centralized isolation

"And at this time several residents who were detained for some reason, now all have been returned to their families," he said.

Meanwhile, the land surveying process continues. As a result, hundreds of lands have been measured and recorded.

"The results of this measurement up to that day, yes, as many as 144 fields of the target 150 fields. And the rest will be continued the next day," said Ramadhan.

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