
TANGERANG - Police continue to investigate the cause of death NW (54), the wife who was stabbed to death by her husband, N (56) in Sepatan, Tangerang Regency.

"We are still investigating, because at this time the alleged perpetrator has not been questioned, because he is undergoing treatment," said Tangerang Metro Police Chief Komarudin, Wednesday, February 9.

For information, the bloody incident occurred on Tuesday, February 8, at 18.30 WIB. The incident began when the husband and wife had a big fight. In the dispute, N was so annoyed that he took a knife and stabbed it into his wife, NW.

"So at first, there was an argument, then the perpetrator or allegedly the husband of the victim was annoyed by taking the knife that was upstairs here, a knife that is used daily for trading," said Komarudin when confirmed, February 9.

The victim resisted by taking a knife from the suspect. However, N again took a machete and slashed NW to death.

"After that, because his wife took the knife, the perpetrator took a machete from the cupboard and then slashed the victim's body," he said.

The victim had screamed for help until the victim's nephew came to him. However, because the couple had a big fight, the victim's nephew was afraid and asked for help from other residents.

“The first witness did not dare to approach, he immediately asked the residents for help. As soon as the residents arrived, they were both lying down, the wife was dead and the husband was also lying on the ground with several wounds," said Komarudin.

After the incident, the victim's husband or the alleged perpetrator was rushed to the hospital because he had serious injuries.

"It is suspected that the perpetrator had several wounds on the neck, back of the head and also the fingers," he said.

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