
JAKARTA - The case of two doctors who are brothers in Malang, who are suspected of being victims of land mafia practices, have yet to find a solution.

As widely reported in the mass media, the three houses belonging to the two brothers, named Galdys Adipranoto and Gina Gratiana, were suddenly listed on the auction list on the website owned by the Office of the State Property and Auction Service (KPKNL).

In fact, the two of them never felt they had debts. The original certificates of ownership of the three houses are still safely held and stored in the two doctors' homes at their home.

"We have never transferred, pledged, or pledged to anyone. Including the banking party for our three certificates. The original certificate of ownership is in our name and is still in our hands," said Gina Gratiana in her statement, quoted Wednesday, February 9.

Gina also denied the statement by the Special Staff and Spokesperson for the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Teuku Taufiqulhadi who said that the three houses being auctioned were related to the family property case.

"What has been conveyed by the Special Staff of the Minister of ATR/BPN is not true and is very misleading. How can we be associated with issues that have nothing to do with our three assets being auctioned illegally," he said.

Gina actually questioned the basis of the statement of the Stafsus. Moreover, Gina admitted that she had never met him in person.

"Does the staff have any basis for saying that my house is in various ways. The fact is that this is not the case, and the statement should have been from the court. So this is a one-sided statement because I have never met or met him either," he said.

In addition, Gina admitted that she did not know the bidders listed on the auction announcement with the names Hendry Irawan and Luciana Tanoyo.

"We have absolutely no relationship, we don't even know the bidder who is written in the auction announcement with the names Hendry Irawan and Luciana Tanoyo. How can people not know but be able to auction someone's house," he said.

Gina believes that the case is closely related to the practice of the land mafia. Therefore, he asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to be serious about eradicating land mafia crimes that have harmed many people.

"We ask for the presence of the state to seriously eradicate the practice of land mafia and protect the people," he said.

Gina emphasized that she also did not hesitate to show anyone, including President Jokowi, the truth and evidence of ownership of the house.

"Here it is quite clear and unequivocal, we argue on any basis that the auction issue that occurred in the house we live in is not at all a dispute over any issue," he continued.

Previously, the Special Staff and Spokesperson for the Ministry of ATR/BPN Teuku Taufiqulhadi said that the case experienced by the two doctors in Malang City was not a land mafia practice. According to him, the case is a matter of family property.

"It's not a land mafia issue. It has nothing to do with the land mafia. The case is about family property," said Taufiqulhadi, Thursday, February 3.

Taufiqulhadi explained, initially the three houses were bought by the parents of the two doctors. However, after the divorce, the husband or father asked that his wealth be divided in half. Because he did not get the approval of his ex-wife, he was brought to court.

"So because the wife did not agree, then the husband brought it to court, asked the court to have this land auctioned and sold so that the proceeds were shared between husband and wife," he said.

In fact, Taufiqulhadi revealed, the status of the case for the distribution of such miscellaneous assets was already inkracht in court. This means that the three houses have received approval from the Supreme Court to be auctioned off.

"In court it was already inkracht, if it is called inkracht, it has already been appealed to the Supreme Court. So it has been decided to be auctioned and the results are shared together," he said.

However, even though they have received the auction approval from the court, the two children are reluctant to give the house certificate. In fact, the three houses have been auctioned since 2020.

"But because the wife did not agree, the land certificate was not given by the two children. However, it has been announced in the newspapers that the court results are like that. So the auction is an attempt to carry out the court order," he said.

"So it's not a mafia problem, and previously it was auctioned in 2020, but it might not sell, so it was auctioned again," concluded Taufiqulhadi as quoted in several mass media.

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