
REJANG LEBONG - Rejang Lebong Police, Bengkulu Police said 11 police personnel were declared reactive for COVID-19 after undergoing a rapid antigen test.

Head of Public Relations of the Rejang Lebong Police, AKP Syahyar, said that the rapid antigen test was not only carried out at the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters but also at the six Rejang Lebong Police Sector Police spread across 15 sub-districts.

"Of the 400 personnel of the Rejang Lebong Police and the ranks carried out today, it is known that 11 people whose rapid antigen test results were declared reactive. Currently they are undergoing self-isolation while waiting for the results of the PCR test to come out," he said in a written statement in Rejang. Lebong, Antara, Tuesday, February 8th.

The mass antigen examination was carried out to determine whether there were members of the National Police in the area suspected of being exposed to COVID-19.

The rapid test, he said, was carried out at the Rejang Lebong Police Station involving officers from the Rejang Lebong Police Dokkes section, where more than 200 participants took part.

Meanwhile, hundreds of other personnel assigned to six Polsek namely Curup Polsek, Sindang Kelingi Police, Padang Ulak Tanding Police, Padang City Police, Bengko Police and Bermani Ulu Police were carried out for antigen examinations at the health centers of each sub-district.

So far the condition of the 11 Rejang Lebong Police personnel who were declared reactive only experienced symptoms of coughing and mild fever.

Currently, the 11 members of the Rejang Lebong Police are in self-isolation at home while waiting for the results of the PCR test from M Yunus Hospital Bengkulu to leave.

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