
RIAU - The head of State Elementary School 05 Desa Baru, Kampar Regency, Riau Province, Ernita reported to the local police regarding the loss of 30 pieces of zinc on the roof of the school she led. He hopes that the perpetrators of the theft will be caught soon.

Ernita admitted that she learned about the incident from one of the teachers, "After that, I immediately made a report to the Siak Hulu Sector Police," Ernita said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 8.

As a result of this loss, teaching and learning activities in Class 1C had to be moved to another classroom.

"Indeed, yesterday when the children saw the state of the classroom and were forced to move to another room, they cried," he said.

Based on observations, it appears that more than half of the roof of the 7x5 meter class has disappeared so that now the room has a sky roof.

Ernita revealed that the incident of loss did not happen once. Previously, used zinc and a water pump belonging to the school were also missing.

"There is indeed a school guard, but he does not live in the school area because his house is a bit far from here," said Ernita.

Ernita admitted that she did not want to guess the mastermind behind the disappearance of dozens of classroom roofs. However, he estimates that the thieves carried out their actions at night.

"Seeing the level of difficulty in removing the zinc, I don't think the perpetrators did it themselves," he suspected. The loss of tens of zinc sheets is estimated at Rp. 3 million.

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