
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya said the summoning of the SARA case reporters involving Arteria Dahlan was only to accommodate. Where, they want to convey the issue of missing articles during the delegation from the West Java Regional Police.

"The summons is related to the schedule, so they didn't want to be summoned like yesterday, it didn't happen. That's because the investigators are busy, so today is scheduled to accommodate what they have to say," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan when confirmed, Tuesday, February 8th.

However, in the process of handling the case, Zulpan stated that the investigators had made a decision to stop the case. The reason is because it does not meet the criminal element.

"So only accommodate what they want to convey and also later investigators will re-submit to them directly where according to investigators is related to this case," said Zulpan.

"That's why today it was explained, it was clarified what they meant. Today the investigators invited them," he continued.

In fact, Zulpan said that the summons of the reporters was not the will of the investigators. Instead, it was their desire to provide information so that an inspection schedule was made.

"That's their request, don't reverse it, but they asked to convey it to convey this," said Zulpan.

Previously, the reporter for the alleged SARA case against a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Arteria Dahlan, went to the Metro Jaya Police. The goal is to undergo an examination and convey if there are articles that are left behind in the process of delegating cases from the West Java Police.

"The complaint report at the West Java Police that was delegated by the Metro Jaya Police is only related to the ITE Law, while we complained about several articles including Law No. 40 of 2008 regarding racial and ethnic discrimination, as well as Articles 315 and 316 of the Criminal Code," said the attorney. Law on the Axis of the Archipelago Susana Febriati.

With the missing article, the reporters will provide information to investigators. What's more, they've already received a summons.

Where, the summons was registered with the number B/472/II/RES.2.5./2022/Ditreskrimsus.

"We have fulfilled the call for clarification regarding the complaint report, we are following up on the delegation from the West Java Police to the Metro Jaya Police," said Susana.

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