
DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster instructed regents/mayors in the area to limit community activities that could cause crowds to prevent the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 transmission.

"I have also instructed to temporarily stop face-to-face learning until the situation is conducive," said Koster, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 7.

The Koster instructions are as stated in the Bali Governor's Letter No. 192/SatgasCovid19/II/2022 regarding Instructions for Handling an Increase in COVID-19 Cases.

The letter contains six points of instructions addressed to the Regents/Mayors throughout Bali. This is in view of the new cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 which are growing very fast.

In the last few days, the daily cases of COVID-19 in Bali Province have exceeded 1,000 people. Even on Saturday (5/2) there were 2,038 new cases recorded and this became the record for the highest additional cases on the Island of the Gods.

The next point of the Governor of Bali's instructions is that all new cases of COVID-19 without symptoms be isolated centrally and not allowed to self-isolate.

Furthermore, regents/mayors are also asked to prepare centralized isolation facilities as needed and intensify the implementation of 3T in synergy with the Chief of Police/Kapolresta and the Kodim Commander. "Finally, the implementation of health protocols (prokes) is strict," said Koster.

Previously in a coordination meeting with relevant stakeholders on Sunday, February 6, Koster also asked the mayor/regent, sub-district head, village head/lurah, and customary village councils throughout Bali as well as all community components to continue working hard. take serious efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

For Balinese people who have not taken the first injection of COVID-19 vaccination or the second injection, they should immediately follow the vaccination in their respective areas to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, especially for the elderly, residents who have congenital diseases (comorbid), pregnant women, and disabled.

"As for the Balinese manners (people) who have taken the first and second injections, they should immediately take booster vaccinations," said Koster.

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