
BANTUL - The Bantul Police, Yogyakarta Special Region, has examined three witnesses related to a single tourism bus accident that resulted in 13 deaths on the Imogiri-Dlingo road, Kedungbuweng Hamlet, Wukirsari Village, last Sunday.

"Regarding the handling of the bus accident case, it will be strengthened by witness statements, of which three witnesses have been questioned today," said Bantul Police Chief AKBP Ihsan during a press conference at the Bantul Police Headquarters, Antara, Monday, February 7.

The three witnesses examined were those who were at the scene at the time of the incident.

"We are waiting for the next examination of the witnesses, we are waiting for the condition of the victim who is currently being treated, and because he is still undergoing treatment, it is impossible for us to carry out an examination, and we are waiting for the treatment process to see whether it can be examined or not," he said.

In addition to causing 13 deaths, the tourist bus that hit a cliff while crossing a steep slope in the Bukit Bego area to the point of being crushed on the front and sides of the vehicle caused dozens of injuries, 24 of whom are still being treated at the hospital.

"But the point is that today we are checking three people who were around the TKP who saw the TKP, including the bus driver, we have also checked, and later it will be strengthened from the TKP results," he said.

According to the Head of Police, from the results of witness examinations, among others, stated that the tourism bus was traveling from east to west uncontrollably, because in front there was an ankle truck carrying a load of sand that was moving slowly, then the bus swerved to the right and hit a cliff.

Prior to the single-traffic accident, the witness did not hear the sound of the brakes or horns from the bus vehicle, and the witness explained that there were signs on the east side of the crime scene.

The police chief also said that after the accident, the police had evacuated the vehicles at the scene. Currently the bus has been deposited at the State Confiscated Objects Deviation House (Rupbasan) in Bantul.

"Then in the relay from this morning our members were backed up by the DIY Traffic Police and Korlantas Police Headquarters conducting crime scene processing assisted by a traffic accident analysis (TAA) team which will analyze the main causes of accidents," he said.

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