
TANGERANG - The Social Service of Tangerang City, Banten Province said that local residents who are self-isolating at home can apply for basic food assistance online to meet their daily needs because they must be quarantined.

"After the list, it is verified by the village and sub-district. Next, the Social Service will send the basic food packages to the sub-district, the part of the area that will be sent door to door (from house to house). The maximum process is three days, but it is done on the same day already sent," said Head of Tangerang City Social Service Suli Rosadi in Tangerang, as reported by Antara, Monday, February 7.

He explained that Tangerang City residents who were in self-isolation can apply for food packages via a website-based application with the page The basic food packages that will be sent to residents undergoing self-isolation are five kilograms of rice, noodles. one box of instant, one box of mineral water, two liters of cooking oil, one pack of biscuits, and milk

"This has been stated in the perwal in one budget in natural disasters. Such as floods or fires, so please people who are isoman take advantage of this program," said Suli.

He hopes that this program can ease the needs of Tangerang City residents who are self-isolating.

"Hopefully the spirit of sharing or the spirit of gotong royong in controlling the pandemic that we have carried out for the past two years can be re-invigorated so that those who are exposed do not feel alone and we can suppress the surge in COVID-19 cases together," he said.

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