
SUKABUMI - The Education and Culture Office of Sukabumi City imposed face-to-face learning (PTM) limited to 50 percent of school capacity to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the school environment.

"Initially we determined that PTM would still be implemented 100 percent, but on Friday (4/2) we received a circular from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Indonesia regarding PTM, and we immediately responded by making a Circular regarding Adjustment of Limited PTM," said the Head Sukabumi City Education and Culture Office, Hasan Asari, quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

SE Number PK.02.05/046/Sekretariat /II/2022 concerning Adjustment of Limited PTM was issued based on the SE Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 2 of 2022 concerning Discretion for Implementation of Joint Decrees of Four Ministers on Guidelines for Implementation of Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic. 19.

In addition, referring to the Circular of the Mayor of Sukabumi Number HK.02.01/104/Huk/2022 regarding the Implementation of Level 2 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Handling COVID-19 in Sukabumi City, PTMT adjustments are needed to current conditions.

According to Hasan, his party has disseminated the SE to all educational units at the level of early childhood education (PAUD), basic education and equality education.

Every school is required to implement starting Monday, February 7, 2022, limited PTM is carried out with the number of students 50 percent of the classroom capacity, then the education unit gives parents the choice to allow their children to take part in limited PTM or distance learning (PJJ.

The education unit must make a circular to the parents of students to ensure that each student has breakfast, brings food along with cutlery and drinking water as needed and ensures that students who are indicated to be sick do not attend school.

Furthermore, the education unit ensures that the air circulation ventilation in the classroom is functioning properly, does not carry out extracurricular activities, flag ceremonies and functions of their respective task forces to anticipate crowds when they come home from school.

Appeal to parents of students to avoid crowds when dropping off and picking up students. "This policy is evaluation in nature and further notification will be made if there is a change in PPKM status and other conditions are taken into account," he added.

Hasan asked all parents of students to participate in monitoring the activities of their children who participate in limited PTM at school from leaving to returning from school and ensure that children who participate in PTM are in good health.

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