
JAYAPURA - The film produced by the Papuan Regional Police entitled "Si Stabbed Police Noken" will premiere on February 10, 2022 simultaneously in theaters.

The film Si Stabbing Police Noken is based on a true story during a tribal war in Papua which was resolved by putting forward the police from the native son of the Central Mountains of Papua who at that time became a moderator in the tribal war, which finally the problem was resolved with a broken arrow/peace.

This film was worked on for 2 years involving local players and a number of police personnel by prioritizing the casting stages to get maximum results.

One of the aims of this film is to promote Papuan culture, especially in the mountains surrounded by forests and valleys, as well as its unique customs and raise Papuan children and young people to move forward and explore the potential that exists within themselves by become a servant of the State.

In addition, this film is to raise the synergy between the TNI and Polri in Papua in their struggle to solve several problems in Papua.

Quoted from a public relations statement by the Papuan Police, Saturday, February 5, this film provides an overview to the people in Papua and outside Papua about the problems in Papua that often occur in tribal wars due to public misunderstanding about the problems they face.

The resolution of the problem of a criminal act is not only done through formal courts. In Papua, the resolution of a crime is still often carried out with restorative justice or restorative justice through customary courts.

“It is hoped that this film can reduce and eliminate social conflicts and other conflicts so as to create a more conducive situation in Papua Province. Hopefully this film can provide messages that are close to culture and tradition as well as the presence of a police figure in the community in resolving various conflicts that occur," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal in a written statement.

With the presence of as many as 2,000 non-commissioned officers who have completed their education, it is hoped that they will be able to reduce the problems of conflict in Papua because they understand the character, structure and language of the community.

"To the whole community, not only to look at the title of the film, but also the meaning and message that all problems can be resolved in an amicable way, what we need to do is first study the problems faced so that they do not cause other problems," said Kombes Kamal.

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